HRA Centre

Professional Team

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Dr. Jawid Khan
NU LIFE Chief Scientific Officer and Director of Research for Health and Nutrition
Winnie Lam
Certified Nutritionist
Zoey Liu
Certified Nutritionist
Dr. Moore
Dr. Danny
PhD in Molecular Biology and Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Genetics from the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa.
Dr. Anne Catherine
MSc in Nutrition Medicine
Specialist Lecturer in Functional Medicine and Testing
Professor Jiao Shoushu
Chairman of RE-Stem Committee
National Stem Cell Scientist
Benno Jiao
Founder and Chairman of RE-Stem Biotech
Dr. Wu Wutian
Chief Technical Director of RE-Stem Biotech
Elected as one of the Top 100 Global Neuroscientists of 2023
Steven Alan Schweller
Chief Consultant of RE-Stem
Professor Li Rong
Member of RE-Stem Committee
Professor Zhu Hui
Director of RE-Stem’s Neurosurgery Project
Doctor Wang Tie, MD, PhD
Chief Medical Director of RE-Stem
Dr. Zhou Ling
Member of the Third Expert Committee of HVP China
Cell Therapy and Applications Expert at RE-Stem
Professor Xu Qunyuan
Medical Consultant of RE-Stem
Professor Chen Mingzhe
Medical Technology Consultant of RE-Stem
Mr. He Liumin
Materials Project Manager of RE-Stem
Jyothi Devakumar Ph.D
Chief Scientific Director of RE-Stem