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What Are Stem Cells?

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Autologous Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Are the Safest, Most Effective, and Convenient Stem Cell Anti-Aging Service

A Breakthrough in Regenerative Medicine

Regain youth, health, and vitality

Supplementing young stem cells is


The minimum age for storage

What Are Stem Cells?

Stem cells are the primitive cells of human tissues, possessing two key characteristics. Firstly, they have the ability to self-repair; secondly, they can divide and proliferate into another identical cell. Under specific conditions, they can transform into various functional cells (such as liver and kidney cells) and even regenerate various tissues and organs. Their primary function is to repair damaged and aged cells, making them especially effective in addressing degenerative and traumatic health issues.

Why Do We Need Stem Cells?

Stem cells serve as the body’s repairing unit. All our organs and cells depend on stem cells for repair to function normally. However, just like other cells, stem cells gradually decrease in number and die due to aging, slowing down the body’s repair capacity and leading to increased health problems. This is a major cause of aging.
Therefore, the best anti-aging solution is to replenish sufficient stem cells, accelerating cell renewal and enhancing the body’s repair capabilities.

Autologous Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Part 1
Autologous Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Part 2
Which Stem Cell Anti-Aging Service Is the Safest, Most Effective, and Most Convenient?

Autologous adipose-derived stem cell anti-aging service is your top choice!

Autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADSCs): These are stem cells with multilineage differentiation potential extracted from adipose tissue, often referred to as “miraculous seeds.” After being reintroduced into the body, adipose stem cells can promote cell renewal, accelerate cell metabolism, replenish and replace damaged tissue and organ cells, thereby improving quality of life. Autologous adipose-derived stem cells are widely used in disease treatment, bioremediation, beauty, and anti-aging. — Professor Wu Wutian

Autologous Adipose-Derived Stem Cells

As adults lack the opportunity to store umbilical cord blood stem cells, autologous adipose-derived stem cells are the most suitable stem cell source for adults. Through a safe and minimally invasive liposuction procedure, the extracted fat is processed using patented cryogenic centrifugation technology to extract the best-quality and youngest stem cells. The most active autologous adipose-derived stem cells can enhance the function of the entire body’s organs and improve the aging state of bodily functions.

Autologous adipose-derived stem cells offer numerous benefits. Firstly, the fat yield is high, with autologous fat yielding up to 2500 times more stem cells than bone marrow extraction. The number of stem cells is crucial for their effectiveness, so extracting autologous adipose-derived stem cells ensures sufficient stem cell acquisition. Secondly, the liposuction process is straightforward and can be performed in licensed medical aesthetic centers, requiring only a small amount of fat (around 50cc) to extract sufficient stem cells for in vitro cultivation. The entire process takes approximately 21 days (including 38 rigorous cell quality tests conducted by an independent third-party institution). In addition to personal use, immediate family members can also benefit (e.g., parents, grandparents).

If not used immediately, these best-quality and youngest stem cells can be stored. As we age, we can still use the stem cells stored at a younger age for anti-aging purposes. Autologous adipose-derived stem cells are also the safest option, as they do not cause rejection reactions. All users must undergo standard testing before use to ensure no risk of infectious diseases. Finally, autologous are free from ethical, moral, and religious controversies.

Advantages of Autologous Adipose-Derived Stem Cells

Easily accessible and convenient, the procedure is minimally invasive and harmless to the human body. Moreover, adipose stem cells have a high yield rate and can be specifically used for regeneration and repair of tissues and organs, making them particularly effective in addressing degenerative and traumatic health issues.


Autologous adipose-derived stem cells are derived from the individual’s own body, thus eliminating the risk of allergic reactions or rejection and preventing genetic disorders caused by exogenous cells.


Autologous adipose-derived stem cells can repair damaged tissues, cells, and organs in the body, restoring the body to a youthful and healthy state from within, providing long-lasting and effective anti-aging results.


Through minimally invasive liposuction to extract about 50-100ml of fat, billions of autologous adipose-derived stem cells can be prepared, meeting your lifelong needs. Storing stem cells can also prevent future serious diseases.

Stem Cell Health Evidences

Mr. Huang’s improvement in heart disease and angina pectoris in 2023
Mrs. Huang’s improvement in rheumatoid arthritis in 2023
Mr. Huang’s successful recovery from coronary heart disease – Qinghai Plateau challenge
JUDY’s mother’s improvement in severe type 2 diabetes
Rebecca’s improvement in knee joint issues
Jessica’s mother’s improvement in diabetes

Stem Cell Health Management Program Process Flow

More information on cells

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Stem Cells Q&A

  • 認知自己的生活模式,包括飲食、運動、睡眠等;
  • 心理平衡;
  • 疾病是衰老的催化劑,所以預防疾病的發生是重要的抗衰老的手段;
  • 幹細胞補充 。
  • 持久性:細胞分化貫穿於生物體整個生命進程中,在胚胎期達到最大程度;
  • 穩定性和不可逆性:一般來說,分化了的細胞將一直保持分化後的狀態,直到死亡;
  • 普遍性:生物界普遍存在,是生物個體發育的基礎。
  • 能退化,二是疾病創傷,三是環境、毒素污染。
幹細胞是一類原始的未分化或未充分分化的細胞,是形成人體各組織器官的原始細胞。幹細胞(Stem cell)的“幹”,譯自英文“Stem”,意為“樹”、“幹”和“起源”。形象的說明幹細胞就像一棵樹幹可以長出樹杈、樹葉,開花和結果一樣。
  • 自我複製:一個幹細胞通過分裂產生兩個細胞,其中一個保持原幹細胞未分化的特性,另一個則分化為所需的功能細胞;
  • 高度增殖和多向分化的潛能:理論上幹細胞能無限分裂而不衰亡,並且能在局部分化成有功能的組織細胞,用於修復人體受損、老化的組織和器官等;
  • 趨化性、歸巢性與遷移性:幹細胞能夠遷移到損傷或衰老的部位;
  • 嵌合性:幹細胞向遠端組織或器官內的遷移及嵌合於其內;
  • 低免疫原性或低抗原性:幹細胞屬於未分化的原始細胞,幾乎無免疫原性。
  • 幹細胞有哪些?
  • 幹細胞具有歸巢功能,幹細胞非常聰明,像天空中的小鳥知道如何歸巢,能夠自行向目標組織遷移,修復損傷部位。
  • 幹細胞非常能幹,一旦身體需要,這些幹細胞可按照發育途徑分化出不同的功能細胞。
  • 幹細胞可以持續分泌各種人體所必需的生長因數、免疫調節因數等,直接刺激、啟動人體的自我細胞、組織、器官修復和再生功能。